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Software Engineering: A Modern Approach

Marco Tulio Valente

1 Domain-Driven Design (DDD): A Summary

The heart of software is its ability to solve domain-related problems for its user. – Eric Evans

1.1 Introduction

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a set of software design principles that Eric Evans proposed in 2003 in a book with the same name. The principles aim to facilitate the implementation of software systems with a design based on concepts closely aligned with a business domain.

The domain of a system refers to the business problem it aims to solve. In this article, we’ll illustrate DDD using a library management system as an example. Consequently, the problem of managing a library constitutes the domain of our example system.

DDD advocates that developers should have a deep understanding of the domain they’re working on. This understanding should be acquired through frequent conversations and discussions with domain experts. Consequently, the software’s design should reflect its domain rather than being dictated by a specific technology. In other words, the design is driven by the domain, not by frameworks, architectures, or programming languages.

DDD advocates that developers should acquire a deep understanding of the domain they’re working on. This understanding is gained through frequent conversations and discussions with domain experts. Consequently, the software’s design should reflect its domain rather than being dictated by a specific technology. In essence, the design is driven by the domain, not by frameworks, architectures, or programming languages.

Before proceeding, It’s important to note that the usage of DDD is most beneficial in software for complex domains where the business rules are challenging to understand and implement.

1.2 Ubiquitous Language

Ubiquitous Language, one of the core concepts of DDD, refers to a common vocabulary that is fully understood by both domain experts and developers.

For a software project to succeed, DDD advocates that domain experts and developers must share a common language, which becomes the ubiquitous language of the system. This concept is illustrated in the following figure:

The ubiquitous language represents the shared knowledge between domain experts and developers.

The figure illustrates that some terms are exclusively known by domain experts. Conversely, other terms, which are technical in nature, are solely understood by developers. The intersection of these knowledge sets forms the ubiquitous language of the system, comprising terms that both professionals share.

The terms of the ubiquitous language serve two purposes:

In addition to defining the ubiquitous language terms, it is important to define the relationships and associations among them.

Example: In our library management system, the ubiquitous language includes terms such as:

Book, Copy, ISBN, Librarian, User, Collection, Reservation, Catalog

Some terms are exclusively known by developers, such as proxy, observers, cache, layers, and routes, among others. Conversely, there are terms known only by librarians, such as alternative ISBN types.

To complete the ubiquitous language, we must define the relationships and associations between these terms, as illustrated below:

To document these relationships, we can use UML Class Diagrams, as discussed in Chapter 4. However, in the context of DDD, these diagrams should be kept simple and lightweight. Specifically, they need not include all attributes and methods of each class.

1.3 Domain Objects

DDD was proposed for designing object-oriented systems. When implementing these systems, certain types of objects are commonly used. DDD defines the following types:

These domain objects should be viewed as the conceptual tools that developers use to successfully design a given system. They are also referred to as the building blocks of DDD. In the following sections, we will discuss each of them.

Entities and Value Objects

An entity is an object that has a unique identity, distinguishing it from other objects of the same class. For example, each User in our library system is an entity, uniquely identifiable by its registration number.

In contrast, value objects lack a unique identifier and are defined by their state, i.e., the values of their attributes. For example, a User’s Address is a value object. If two Address objects share identical values for attributes such as street, number, city, and zip code, they are considered equal.

Additional examples of value objects include Currency, Date, Phone, Email, Hour, Color, and more.

Why distinguish between entities and value objects? Entities are more important objects, demanding careful planning for saving and retrieving them from a database. Moreover, developers should pay attention to the life cycle of entities and carefully understand the rules governing their creation and removal. For instance, in our library system, a User cannot be removed if they have a borrowed `Book.

On the other hand, value objects are simpler by definition. They should ideally be immutable, meaning once created, their internal values cannot be changed. To modify a User’s Address, for example, we must abandon the old object and create a new one with the updated Address. The advantages of immutable objects have been previously discussed in Chapter 9.

It’s worth noting that some programming languages offer syntactic support for implementing value objects. For instance, in Java, they can be implemented using records.


There are numerous domain operations that don’t fit into entities or value objects. Consequently, it’s advisable to create dedicated objects to implement these operations. In DDD terminology, these objects are referred to as services. But in some systems, they may also be called managers or controllers.

The signature of services usually refers to entities and value objects. However, service objects should be stateless, meaning they lack attributes and only implement methods.

Services are typically implemented as singletons, ensuring a single instance throughout the system’s execution. For further details on this design pattern, please refer to Chapter 6.

Example: In our library system, we might have a service providing the following operations:

class BorrowingService {
  void borrowBook(User user, Book book) {...} 
  void returnBook(User user, Book book) {...}

In the first operation, a User borrows a Book. In the second one, the User returns a borrowed Book. Since both operations are not specific to either User or Book, DDD suggests implementing a separate service object to handle them.


Aggregates are collections of entities and value objects. That is, sometimes it does not make sense to reason about entities and value objects individually. Instead, we have to group such objects to have a consistent view of the domain we are modeling.

An aggregate has a root object, which must be an entity. Externally, the aggregate is accessed from this root. The root, in turn, references the internal objects of the aggregate. Thus, these internal objects are not visible to the rest of the system, that is, only the root can reference them.

Since they are a coherent unit, aggregates are persisted in conjunction in databases. The deletion of an aggregate, from the main memory or from a database, implies the deletion of the root and all internal objects.

It is also interesting to have methods to create aggregates, which are called factories. As we also studied in Chapter 6, such methods are implementations of the design pattern of the same name.

Example: In our library system, an IssueRecord is an entity that stores information about the books issued to a given User, including a list of IssueItem. Each IssueItem contains, for example, the dueDate and the returnDate of the issued book.

Therefore, IssueRecord and IssueItem form an aggregate, as shown in the next figure. They constitute a single logical structure. IssueRecord is the root of the aggregate, and IssueItem is the class of an internal object, which cannot be manipulated without accessing the root first.

Aggregate example

Note that IssueItem references Book, but the latter class is not part of the aggregate, as its objects have a life of their own, i.e., they exist independently of whether they are issued or not. The same applies to User.


To implement certain services, we first need to get references to entities or aggregates.

For instance, consider a service that lists the books issued to a given User. To implement this service, we cannot assume that all IssueRecord aggregates are available in main memory. Instead, in any real system, they are stored in a database.

Nevertheless, in DDD, we want to keep the developers focused on the domain, rather than having their attention diverted, at certain times, to a data storage technology.

Thus, a repository is an object that shields developers from concerns related to database access. In other words, a repository offers an abstraction for the database used by the system. They allow manipulating domain objects as if they were lists (or collections) stored in main memory. The implementation of the repository takes care of reading and saving these lists in a database, for example using SQL.

Example: In the library system, there is a repository with methods for retrieving Book data from a database:

class BookRepository {
  List<Book> findBookByISBN(String isbn) {...}
  List<Book> findBookByTitle(String title) {...}
  List<Book> findBookByAuthor(String title) {...}
  List<Book> findBooksAcquiredInDateRange(Date start, Date end) {...}

In addition, this repository can implement methods to insert, update, and remove Book objects:

class BookRepository {

  // methods above
  void insertBook(Book book) {...}
  void updateBook(Book book) {...}
  void removeBook(Book book) {...}

Common to all methods in BookRepository is the purpose of shielding developers from knowing the underlying database structures that store data about the library’s book collection.

1.4 Bounded Contexts

Over time, software inevitably grows in complexity and scope. Thus, it is unrealistic to expect that large and complex organizations will have a single domain model.

Instead, it’s natural for these organizations to have systems serving users with diverse profiles and requirements. Particularly, this diversity complicates the definition of a single ubiquitous language. Then, the solution lies in decomposing these complex domains into smaller and more manageable ones, which DDD refers to as Bounded Contexts.

Example: Let’s consider a scenario where our library expands to include a financial department. This department has specific needs that demand a separate domain with its own language. For instance, within this finance domain, the User class might be renamed to Client and could demand additional attributes to accommodate financial-specific requirements.

1.5 Conclusion

In a reference material he wrote in 2014, Eric Evans defined DDD as follows:

Domain-Driven Design is an approach to the development of complex software in which we: (1) Focus on the core domain; (2) Explore models in a creative collaboration of domain practitioners and software practitioners; (3) Speak a ubiquitous language within an explicitly bounded context.

The ubiquitous language should also be reflected in the source code of the system, encompassing the naming of variables, parameters, methods, classes, packages, and so on. Moreover, in DDD projects, it’s recommended to have the following types of objects: entities, value objects, services, aggregates, and repositories.


1. Suppose you work at a company that has an online food delivery app. You are in charge of designing the domain layer of this app. To accomplish this, you decided to use DDD. Describe then:

  1. Five terms from the ubiquitous language
  2. Three entities
  3. Three value objects
  4. One aggregate, including the root and the internal objects
  5. Two methods of a service
  6. Two methods of a repository

2. Assume an e-commerce system, with the following classes: Order, OrderItem, and Product. Draw a class diagram that represents the relationships between these classes. Which classes constitute an aggregate? Which class is outside of the aggregate and why?

3. Suppose the following method of the library system discussed in the article:

void borrowBook(int userId, int bookId) {
  User user = findUserByID(userId);
  Book book = findBookByID(bookId);
  user_ok = checkIfUserIsUpToDate(user);
  book_available =  checkIfBookHasAvailableCopies(book);
  if (user_ok && book_available)
     createIssueRecord(user, book);
  1. To which type of DDD class does this method belong?

  2. How do you classify the User and Book classes?

  3. The methods findUserByID, findBookByID, and createIssueRecord belong to which type of class?

  4. Suppose that IssueRecord (a class) has a set of IssueItem (another class). What type of structure do these two classes form?

4. After learning DDD, a developer decided to structure a complex system as follows. Basically, the files that implement each of the domain objects advocated by DDD are located in the same packages (or, if you prefer, modules or folders). Is this decision recommended or not? In other words, is it consistent with the principles of DDD? Justify your answer.

      |__ Entities
      |   | files implementing entities
      |__ Aggregates
      |   | files implementing aggregates
      |__ ValueObjects
      |   | files implementing value objects
      |__ Services
      |   | files implementing services
      |__ Repositories
      |  | files implementing repositories